Myq was my favorite comic on the show. He did an interview over at The Friendly Athiest. (check the blog out). I liked his responses thus cementing the fact that he was my favorite comic on the show.

When did you realize you were an atheist?

I’ll start by saying I don’t really like labels. I consider myself a “non-labeler.” That said, I believe the word “atheism” comes from something meaning “without belief” or something close to that. I think that various people perceive the word and concept in different ways, some viewing atheists as aggressively attacking the concept of god (which some do), but I take it more literally; it’s just that I’ve not seen any real reason that belief is warranted. I mean, I like the idea of belief, and growing up I did believe… even in college, I remember thinking things like “we can’t know for sure, we have no proof one way or the other, so why not choose the belief that makes me feel better? if it’s unknowable.”

But sometime thereafter, early in young adulthood, I started thinking more about all the bad things that happen in the world, and the (to me) unacceptable justifications for why a well-intentioned God would allow such things to happen. I also read some books by Daniel Quinn (“Ishmael” and several others) that put into context various stories from the Bible, paired up with stories of the beginning of agricultural civilization 10,000 years ago, and it really made more sense to see them as stories.

Of course I don’t know everything, and I’m certainly open to be proven wrong. But I’m just a big fan of the reality that we can perceive, doing what good we can in this world that we (almost) know exists, etc.

Or maybe it was the first time I took mushrooms.

Myq is a funny guy. Demetri Martin-esque. Lots of one liners and clever word play.

Check out his Twitter and his Blog. Very Funny.