Strolling down the road, hand in hand there is something in the distance. From where we're standing it looks like a crane. We're walking in a place somehow familiar but it is not a place we frequent. Tracy doesn't think it's a crane, despite my arguments. After further examination it appears to be a buzzard. She is nervous. As we approach the creature on the side of the road it is obviously not a bird at all. Some small creature. It is standing on it's back legs like a kangaroo and is approaching us and obviously means harm.

Tracy jumps into my arms in an attempt to avoid being bitten by the creature, which I now know to be a Honey Badger. While carrying Tracy I turn to the right toward the open field we've been walking next to. In an attempt to avoid the badger I head to the field despite the fact that the field is rocky and more difficult to run through. I run a short distance and realize that the badger is gaining on us. I try to lift Tracy higher but I'm fatigued by the run. The badger stands up and nips at Tracy's hair and then I wake up.

The Honey Badger has a special place in my mind. I have to assume it is from the movie The God's Must be Crazy II. In that movie the lead character steps on one and it bites his shoe. He makes an offhand comment about how the badger is a stubborn creature and will not let go of the boot until he knows it's dead. Further research in college told me that the Honey Badger is a ferocious hunter and has incredibly sharp fangs. A small, surprisingly cute package, with a huge bite.