When I hear the word blog, I can only think of one thing. Mark Cuban. This seems appropriate since I, in someway, relate to him. He's successful, exuberant and has a lot "going for him". Yet, when you experience him, whether in dancing with the stars or in a random interview with local media you inherently say to yourself, "something's off about him."

A site where you post your ramblings as if anybody out there will truly give a shit about what you have to say/think. It's like a journal...but not. In a journal I would write something and knowingly keep it a secret. In a blog, I will write something and unknowingly keep it a secret.

I spent this morning reading through S.P. Lunger's blog which you can find here: S.P. Lunger and I couldn't help but wonder. Is his life better than mine? As I read through the first parts of the blog I had changing emotions. The first emotion was around amazement. I read a deepness that I don't know that I possess. But then it turned into something else. Something..cynical perhaps. Thats one of his favorite adjectives.

My life is less discovered than his. No doubts about that. See Tel'aran'rhiod

But what does that gain him? If I wouldn't have been an S.P. Lunger student for 24 years I wouldn't have known that I was somehow behind the curve so to speak. His life is filled with cynical ramblings that allow him to "project his shit" more profusely than I do.

How many times can you blog? Is it a no more than once a day thing? No more than twice a week? I feel like inundating the blog with entries right now. If I'm the only one that's going to read my diary online I guess I can blog as much as I want.

In proper Schlueter fashion this blog, that nobody will read, will be a key to self discovery. Each new day has a new solution. Maybe ignorance is bliss. Or maybe fuck ignorance.